Your answer to, “Which Cosmetic Dentist is Near Me in Mission Viejo CA?”

It’s estimated one of every three kids in Orange County has untreated tooth decay. In fact, one of every seven kids has never visited a dentist. Basti Dental Care has built a practice designed with the youngest of patients in mind. While the most important consideration is to get your teeth back to health, Drs. Alex and Nina Basti understand the need for treatment options that are as pleasing to the eye as they are durable and strong.


Basti Dental Care can rebuild teeth with highly esthetic white fillings. Made from a mix of plastic and glass, this composite resin filling is designed to blend in with the rest of your teeth. Highly resistant to staining and wear, the composite adds strength when it is applied directly to the remaining tooth structure.


If tooth decay is allowed to progress, Basti Dental Care may find a filling is not sufficient to rebuild your tooth. While Drs. Basti always choose conservative treatments that retain as much natural tooth structure as possible, a tooth-colored crown may be recommended. Modern crowns may be made from porcelain, or even porcelain fused to an underlying metal structure for added strength.


A sometimes-overlooked complication of tooth decay and gum disease is teeth shifting. Basti Dental Care offers many invisible options to straighten teeth, including Invisalign and Six Month Smiles.


As enamel becomes worn from common dental conditions or even destructive habits such as teeth grinding, Drs. Basti may find you are a good candidate for dental bonding. This cost-effective approach to smile enhancement involves the application of a tooth-colored material to your teeth. The material initially has the consistency of putty, so the dentists can easily manipulate it to reshape or smooth out chips.


These and other cosmetic procedures may be motivated purely by the need to look better and feel better about your look. Whatever your motivations for seeking treatment, let Basti Dental Care be your answer to, “Which Cosmetic Dentist is Near Me in Mission Viejo CA?” Call 949-427-2096 to schedule an appointment. 

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