Adult patients in Mission Viejo don’t have to live with crooked teeth, thanks to aesthetic, low-maintenance braces


Braces are not child’s play. The number of adults straightening their teeth with braces has grown by leaps and bounds. The American Association of Orthodontics reports 22 percent of braces-wearers are at least 18 years old. In 1994, adults accounted for 17 percent of braces-wearers.


While the number of kids straightening their braces grew by 15 percent from 1994 to 2010, adults undergoing orthodontic treatment surged 58 percent during the same time period.



Braces used to be a dreaded childhood milestone, but notably the modern orthodontics are not the metal brace face of your childhood. These modern options include Invisalign.


When you make a presentation to your colleagues or talk to your clients, the clear plastic aligners worn to straighten can’t be seen by others. Your workmates and friends don’t know you are straightening unless you tell them, which contrasts to the hard-to-miss brackets and wires associated with traditional straightening.


As the “newer kid on the block,” Invisalign has been subject to questions through the years about the versatility of this treatment option, and its effectiveness. As Align Technology has evolved, the outcomes of correcting common conditions such as deep bite or overbite have improved. Invisalign is now an appropriate treatment for many conditions and more severe cases of common concerns, which can range from gaps and crowding to underbite, crossbite, and open bite.


Invisalign is also a good fit for busy lifestyles, as less trips to the dentist are required. A new set of aligners that correspond to your customized plan are switched out every two weeks from the comfort of your home. You only visit Basti Dental Care every four to six weeks, so the doctors can assess how the aligners are gradually moving teeth into their proper place.


Unlike conventional treatments, Invisalign is not a fixed treatment. You can remove the aligners yourself for eating and to maintain proper brushing and flossing techniques. It’s important to wear aligners as prescribed: 20 to 22 hours daily.


Six Month Smiles is another good option for adults balancing home, work, and other commitments. This treatment applies traditional straightening approaches to correct misalignment in just six months. This seemingly unlikely timeframe is achieved by targeting the straightening to only those teeth that are visible when you smile. It’s a good option if your concerns are more cosmetic in nature.


Like Invisalign, no one can tell you are straightening because the braces are made from Lucid-Lok® clear brackets and tooth-colored wires. Unlike Invisalign, the braces are fixed but use what’s called “low forces” to gently move teeth into proper place. Six Month Smiles is an effective treatment that doesn’t cut corners in the pursuit of accelerated results.


If you’ve been on the fence about getting braces, there is no time like the present to feel better about the look of your smile and to bring your mouth back to better function and health. Adult braces and other treatments such as veneers start with a call to 949-427-2096 to schedule a consultation with Basti Dental Care in Mission Viejo.


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