Ask a Family Dentist: Is Tooth Pain a Warning Sign?

family dentist Mission Viejo, CA

Tooth pain is common in individuals of all ages, which makes it a top priority for family dentists to address. Every type of tooth pain is different, however, in general, it is an indicator that something else is wrong. When experiencing tooth pain, it can be helpful to become familiar with what it may mean. 

What can tooth pain mean?

Tooth pain is not usually an isolated incident. Instead, it usually indicates that there is a more serious problem, such as gum disease or cavities, both of which may not be noticeable otherwise. In other scenarios, tooth pain may be a warning sign of wisdom tooth eruption or a problem with bruxism. 

Gum disease

Patients who do not follow a proper everyday oral hygiene routine may be experiencing tooth pain due to gum disease. There are four stages of gum disease and even during the first stage patients will often experience swollen, tender and/or bleeding gums. Because the gums are not in a healthy state when suffering from an infection, there may also be a negative effect on the teeth, thus causing pain. The longer someone has gum disease and does not seek treatment, the more likely they will experience tooth pain.

A broken or cracked tooth

When an individual breaks or cracks one of their teeth, it can cause them to experience pain in that tooth. This pain often stems from the damaged tooth affecting the pulp, which is where the nerves and blood vessels live. When the nerves become damaged due to a break or crack, the individual is likely to experience an immense amount of discomfort, thus requiring the attention of a family dentist


Tooth pain can be a warning sign that a dental patient is in need of cavity treatment. Untreated cavities will eventually begin to affect the deeper layers of the tooth and once the infection reaches the pulp, the individual is likely to experience discomfort. Cavities can be hard to identify, however, pain is the number one indicator. Cavity pain may be dull, sharp or aching, and in some cases, it may only be present when chewing occurs. 

Other things to note

In other instances, the eruption of wisdom teeth or constant teeth grinding can be the cause of dental pain. Wisdom teeth often force the other adult teeth to shift, which can result in soreness. Additionally, those that grind their teeth throughout the night or during the day may experience discomfort. A family dentist may recommend extraction of wisdom teeth and a night guard for bruxism habits. 

Find out more about tooth pain

Tooth pain is oftentimes unbearable, which can result in difficulty eating. Any level of tooth pain should be taken to a family dentist for an evaluation. The quicker the pain is evaluated, the quicker a diagnosis can be made, which will then allow for a treatment plan to be carried out. 

To learn more about tooth pain and what it might mean, reach out today. 

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